Finding a Pro Bono Truck Accident Attorney

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Because of their larger size, auto accidents involving trucks are often more devastating than other types of automobiles. If you were involved in a truck accident, it is important to hire a truck accident attorney to represent your case. Many drivers are intimidated about hiring a lawyer because of how expensive it can be. While hiring a lawyer can potentially be an expensive process, there are several resources available for low income clients. One of the best ways to find affordable representation is to work with a pro bono lawyer. When an attorney works pro bono, he or she is agreeing to represent you at either a severely discounted rate, or for no rate at all.

Many states require law firms to take a certain number of pro bono cases each year. For other lawyers, taking pro bono cases is a way to get practice in the courtroom while also improving their public image. Taking pro bono cases is also a good way for lawyers to get noticed by other law firms. With how common auto accident cases are, it is typically easier to find a pro bono truck attorney compared to other cases.

Qualifying for a Pro Bono Truck Accident Attorney

One of the best ways to find a pro bono truck accident attorney is to go through the Legal Services Corporation (LSC). The LSC provides funding for over 100 legal aid organizes throughout the United States. This funding is used to provide assistance to low income clients, including securing pro bono attorneys. The LSC has set requirements for who is considered low income. In order to qualify, you and your household must either make at or be below 125 percent of the poverty threshold.

In addition to the LSC, there are many other state and federal agencies which help clients find a pro bono attorney. The conditions for these agencies vary depending on the situation. In some cases, agencies will not look at your income, but only provide assistance if you are disabled, elderly or a military veteran. Other agencies will only take your case based on who was involved in the accident. Typically, these lawyers only represent clients who were involved in a truck accident with a major business, where clients normally need a great deal of assistance to compete with the number of resources available to the corporation.

Common Types of Truck Accidents

There are numerous types of truck accidents. It is important to identify what type of truck accident you were involved in. Once you know the type of accident, it is easier for your attorney to prove you were not at fault. Many opposing attorneys will try and change the classification of the accident to try and place the blame on you, which is one of the reasons it is so important to get proper representation for your case.

  • One of the most common truck accidents involves wide turns. Trucks are much bulkier than other vehicles, so improperly taking a turn increases the likelihood of causing an accident. Wide turns refer to instances where the truck driver is unaware of rear or side traffic, resulting in an impact when they take a turn. Cases involving a truck driver’s blind spots are sometimes classified as wide turn accidents.

  • A more serious type of truck accident is known as an under ride. An under ride occurs when the truck suddenly brakes. Smaller vehicles behind the truck do not have time to react, with the vehicle becoming wedged underneath the truck. Two other serious truck accidents are head on collisions and T-bone accidents. A head on collision is the most basic example of a truck accident, with the front of the truck colliding with your vehicle. A T-bone accident refers to a truck hitting a vehicle perpendicularly, typically after running a red light or speeding through an intersection.

  • Another type of truck accident is jackknifing. Jackknifing occurs with larger, big rig style trucks. In these accidents, the cab forms a 90-degree angle with the trailer. Typically, this is a result of the driver braking too hard, with the weight of the trailer causing it to shift out of place. These accidents either involve the trailer striking a vehicle, or a vehicle running into the trailer after it moves out of place.

How to Find a Pro Bono Truck Accident Attorney

Finding a pro bono truck attorney may require a fair amount of research on your part. The best place to start is with a state or federal agency. Even if you do not qualify for assistance through the LLC, you can contact a representative to get a recommendation. The internet is another useful took to search for pro bono lawyers, but make sure any lawyer you find is certified. You can check the certification status of an attorney by going through the state bar association. This is also another opportunity to find lawyers in your state. You can also ask friends or family members for assistance finding an attorney.

Try to find at least two or three potential attorneys. Take the time to question each attorney to make sure he or she is qualified to take your case. Even if you find a pro bono attorney, it is important to ask about payment. In some cases, pro bono attorneys will not charge you for the actual case, but may require you to pay fees for filing paperwork or research.

Another question you want to ask is how many other cases the attorney is working. Pro bono attorneys are often in high demand, which leads to some attorneys taking on more cases than they can handle. It is important to have a lawyer who has the time to dedicate to your case. You can also ask whether the attorney is handling the case alone, or if he or she works with a legal team.